Finished second practice part one

2021.03.24 – I went through the tutorials, I learned a lot about Unity, when I was starting I could not find the 2d kit in the Unity hub as it was in the tutorial, after researching it on google I created a 2d project and imported the 2d game kit from the Unity editor. I took my time when I was designing the map so it looks like we are heading for our spaceship, I tried to give an inviting look to my game but not going overboard with it. Now I have an image in my head about the game that I would like to create with this game kit. While I was doing the tutorials I didn't find anything complicated (although I was stuck at the portalling between scenes part for a bit, I accidentally mixed up the components) and it went smoothly, hope you like it!  – 4h – kind of a fun game

Files 76 MB
Mar 27, 2021

Get Project A

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