Finished first practice - Project B

2021.04.14 – 

I studied the design that I got and after that, I started to implement the game, at first I outlined the map from start to end. Since It was all in a cave-like system I decided to give it a cave-ish vibe.

 I was able to play with the lights thanks to a tutorial I found online and now the whole map is dark and there are underground flowers and mushrooms emitting light. 

I already like where my game is going the background is also pretty nice in my opinion although I think there must be a better way to do it than I did it (I was placing the walls one by one, sometimes more if I the layout of the map let me). 

Now that the fundamentals are placed and the game has a good vibe to it, the next thing will be the collectibles, jumping pads, doors, and pressure pads.

– 5 hours

Files 63 MB
Apr 14, 2021

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